P.U.S.H. II- The Covenant

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Do you believe the covenant promises of God? Then you must PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS!! Pray until the manifestation of His promises appear.  God’s word stands forever and His promises are true.

God’s covenant is unbreakable and His word is infallible!  We want to provoke you to another level of prayer. P.U.S.H. II ~ THE COVENANT may be just what you need at this point!!

Friday, August 5th, 7 p.m.
“Repairer of the Breach”-Minister Audrey Page
“Covenant Pushers”- Minister Deonn Leath

Saturday, August 6th, 9 a.m.
“Execute The Will”- Minister Ave Leath
“Kingdom Advancement”- Bishop Keith Spellman

Sunday, August 7th, 11 a.m.
“Covenant Prayers: God Cannot Lie”- Christina Richardson
“Covenant Keeping God”- Bishop Carolyn Spellman



P.U.S.H. stands for “PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS!”  This prayer conference is designed to provoke all believers into a powerful prayer life.  We believe God and take Him at His word that when we ask, we shall receive of Him.  The teaching and preaching during this conference are focused on reaching higher heights in prayer. The God-inspired teachings during P.U.S.H. provoke Christians to deeper and more fervent prayer.

While BOLD Church® has prayer classes throughout the year, the P.U.S.H. Conference is open to the public and is intended to propel attendees into a praying on a higher level. Each year P.U.S.H. has a God-inspired theme meant to deliver a timely message to all those who attend and to help provoke more believers to a life of prayer.

This conference is open to the public and free to all.


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