Men’s Retreat

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Men of God,

Join us in seeking God for PROVISION, PROSPERITY, AND FAVOR!

We thank God that He is a present help in time of trouble.  We know that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers us out of them all.  God is so MUCH GREATER!!! God is so good that He doesn’t want us to just to live from crisis to crisis. God is so good that He wants us to believe Him for better than just getting out of trouble.  What about believing Him for the provision of our covenant.  With blessings, I will bless thee… PROVISION, PROSPERITY, AND FAVOR BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD.


The cost of this event is $250  for the full event and includes a $50 non-refundable deposit. 
If you choose  the payment plan, full payment is due by November 13, 2023.


WHO: Men age 18+

WHAT: Men’s Retreat

WHEN: November 17-18, 2023*

WHERE: The Cove, Asheville, NC

*Check out Sun, Nov 19th



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